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AKTUALNIE - Wiejska Kuchnia Mojej Mamy

Temat: Czy sie przeforsowalam?
...rates of synthesis of collagen and total muscle protein after incubation with a constant tension or intermittent mechanical stretching were compared with the rates in vivo. Muscles incubated under a constant tension synthesized protein at 22% of the rate observed in vivo; intermittent mechanical stretching resulted in an increase of 73% in the rate of protein synthesis, to 38% of that found in vivo. Collagen synthesis was affected in the same way as total protein synthesis by both types of incubation, therefore the relative rates of collagen and total

Temat: Glupi Projekt (Ciag Dalszy)
Quasi <quasi-bio@gazeta.plwrote: # SYNTEZA OPOZNIONEJ NICI DNA Bardzo fajny przykÅ‚ad. # SEMI-AUTONOMIA MITOCHONDRIOW I PLASTYDOW (...) DNA-RNA- protein synthesis systems. Why that should be necessary is not clear, given the other internal structures that do not need Hmmm, ale tu można by wygenerować kilka testowalnych hipotez, dlaczego tak jest. Np. kwestia regulacji, albo nieefektywnoÅ›ci transportu z jÄ…dra, skoro biaÅ‚ka potrzebne sÄ… "na miejscu".  PytaÅ‚bym raczej -- dlaczego tyle biaÅ‚ek musi być transportowanych z jÄ…dra, skoro mogÅ‚yby być syntetyzowane na miejscu?...

Temat: Glupi Projekt (Ciag Dalszy)
January Weiner napisaÅ‚(a): | # SEMI-AUTONOMIA MITOCHONDRIOW I PLASTYDOW (...) | DNA-RNA- protein synthesis systems. Why that should be necessary is not | clear, given the other internal structures that do not need Hmmm, ale tu można by wygenerować kilka testowalnych hipotez, dlaczego tak jest. W oparciu o paradygmat neodarwinowski - jak najbardziej. W oparciu o IDiotyczny - ??? Np. kwestia regulacji, ? Co z nia? albo nieefektywnoÅ›ci transportu z jÄ…dra, skoro biaÅ‚ka potrzebne sÄ… "na miejscu".   Transport moznaby stosunkowo...

Temat: Glupi Projekt (Ciag Dalszy)
...nuclei) typically have rather complex internal structure. Most of this structure is generated from the cell's fluid matrix, but there are important exceptions. These are the mitochondria and the chloroplasts (as well as different-colored plastids). Mitochondria perform energy metabolism, combining electrons from food with oxygen (and hydrogen ions) to make water. Chloroplasts do photosynthesis. These organelles contain their own genes and their own DNA-RNA- protein synthesis systems. Why that should be necessary is not clear, given the other internal structures that do not need self-contained genetic systems, and also given the fact that many of the genes for proteins used in the mitochondria and chloroplasts reside in the nucleus. # PRZEMIANA POKOLE U ROSLIN** Alternation of generations: Many algae and "lower" plants, like mosses and ferns, have an alternation of generations between an asexual diploid...

Temat: Glupi Projekt (Ciag Dalszy)
...w przypadku wzajemnych przemian 4 typow dNTPow. Zreszta koniecznosc syntezy nieciaglej rowniez wymaga 2 typow prekursorow: dNTPow do syntezy DNA i NTPow do syntezy RNAowych starterow, szczegolnie obficie tam wykozystywanych (choc oczywiscie NTPy sa wykorzystywane takze do innych celow, ale i dla 3'-dNTPow tez moze znalazlby sie jakis dodatkowy etat). | # SEMI-AUTONOMIA MITOCHONDRIOW I PLASTYDOW | These organelles contain their own genes and their own | DNA-RNA- protein synthesis systems. Why that should be necessary is not | clear, given the other internal structures that do not need | self-contained genetic systems, W przypadku niektórych białek mitochondrialnych (np. cytb) ich kodowanie w mtDNA jest konieczne, bo system transportujący białka z cytoplazmy do mitochondrium nie radzi sobie z białkiem zawierającym tak wiele segmentów transbłonowych (były robione eksperymenty to potwierdzające)....

Temat: Nowa teoria na temat przyczyn otyłości
...results in inhibition of protein synthesis in human myoblasts, inhibition of collagen synthesis in rat osteoblasts, and inhibition of human adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase. TNF-alpha also may modulate cachexia by stimulating an increase in serum leptin, a hormone believed to regulate body weight by decreasing appetite. Additionally, both TNF-alpha and IL-1 act to reduce the availability of insulin-like growth factor (IGF), which stimulates protein synthesis by increasing IGF binding protein. In animal models of cachexia, administration of substances that either decrease TNF-alpha levels (such as pentoxifylline, TNF-alpha antibody, and soluble TNF-alpha receptor-containing copolymer) or inhibit the oxidative stress produced by TNF-alpha, partially prevent anorexia and loss of body weight and skeletal muscle protein."...

Temat: cukier czy fruktoza? pyt. do Joggera
...has been found to be either no better, or in fact worse in terms of performance of endurance exercise (3). As well, there is the issue of gastric upset with high amounts of fructose that limits how much can be given in the first place. As a final comment, there is the issue of post-workout carbohydrate and recovery. At this point, it should be no surprise to readers that the post- workout consumption of carbs and protein improves recovery, performance and protein synthesis (32,33). Studies examining different types of carbohydrate intake post workout have invariably found that glucose and glucose polymers refill muscle glycogen ideally, while fructose preferentially refills liver glycogen. In that refilling liver glycogen can be important from the standpoint of overall recovery and growth (the details are outside of the scope of this article), consuming a small amount of fructose (10% of the...

Temat: co kupiliście ostatnio pod wpływem reklamy? erytromycynę oraz za produkcję enzymu lucyferazy. W badaniach przeprowadzonych na myszach stwierdzono że L. casei nie zagnieżdża się w układzie pokarmowym, ale w czasie "wędrówki" pozostaje żywa i podejmuje się syntezy różnych protein (białek). Zsyntetyzowane proteiny korzystnie wpływają na organizm. Zanika dość szybko (1-5 dni). (Źródło: "Lactobacillus casei Is Able To Survive and Initiate Protein Synthesis during Its Transit in the Digestive Tract of Human Flora-Associated Mice" R. Oozeer, N. Goupil-Feuillerat...) Tydzień później - czego chcieli Francuzi Okazuje się, że nie mnie pierwszą zaciekawił actimel. W czerwcu 2003 roku Francuski Dyrektoriat Generalny ds. Konkurencji, Spraw Konsumenckich oraz Walki z Oszustwami (DGCCRF) poprosił Francuską Agencję ds. Bezpieczeństwa Sanitarnego...

Temat: Jak patrzycie na własne Żydowskie pochodzenie?
...concerning the specificity in development and control of the immune system and the discovery of the principle for production of monoclonal antibodies Hermann Muller, US, discovery of the production of mutations by means of X-ray irradiation (Jewish mother) Daniel Nathans, US, discovery of restriction enzymes and their application to problems of molecular genetics Marshall Nirenberg, US, interpretation of the genetic code and its function in protein synthesis Stanley Prusiner, US, discovery of Prions - a new biological principle of infection Tadeus Reichstein, Poland, discoveries relating to the hormones of the adrenal cortex, their structure and biological effects Martin Rodbell, US, discovery of G-proteins and the role of these proteins in signal transduction in cells Andrew Schally, Lithuania, discoveries concerning the peptide hormone production of the brain Howard...

Temat: Dociekliwość miał w genach - o niedawno zmarłym...
...For example, Watson discovered exactly how the base pairs went together, which is structural. He made that discovery." Their work led in 1953 to the proposal of the double-helical structure for DNA and the replication scheme. Crick and Watson subsequently suggested a general theory for the structure of small viruses. Later, in research with Sydney Brenner, professor of genetic medicine at the University of Cambridge, Crick developed ideas about protein synthesis ("the adaptor hypothesis") and the genetic code. By 1966, sensing that the foundation for molecular biology was adequately set, Crick turned his attention to embryology. Then, in 1976, he joined the Salk Institute for a sabbatical year from the Medical Research Council. The following year, after 30 years and 87 scientific papers, he decided to make a permanent switch to the Salk, where he pursued his interests in...

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